Thursday, September 11, 2008

Still Untitled

Where am I? I'm groveling. It's strange though. I am groveling to myself.I lose all of my senses sometimes. And when I have them back, they still aren't mine.I have to be different. Believe I am different. I smack her so hard I swear her neck collapses. She was ready for it?She is what some of my own cells wish I was. I tell myself that. But it probably isn't true.If there was only a way to pierce her, without killing her.I know there isn't. I know there are few choices. And I know what I need.This room is fucking cold. And I love the cold. But let me tell you it doesn't love me. She believes I'm a hero. A supernatural savior. I like her believing that. Hell I think I am a hero sometimes. And I like her getting warm from my indecisive cold. I know so much about her. She's opened her soul for something she's not ready for.

Where am I? I am an indecisive fool. He seems to be melting into himself. What? What is going on? I'm freezing. I think he's sane. That's his problem. Sanity. When you can pour a perfect drink and enjoy every sip, you're sane and don't even know it. He wouldn't like to hear that. But shit would I love to say it.I'm not. I am not sane. And I know he sees it. Ohhhh shit.My jaw feels broken. My head feels limp. I'm alright, I'm alright. I like it. Breathe. You're sad. And it pleases me. Oh how I feel sane at this moment. Just like him. Just like his body. His eyes. He's yummy. Oh warm me. You seem to never change with the temperature. You feel good. Just wait until you make me another drink. You have only a slice of my madness. Stop thinking you have more.

I love when she looks at me. And I love the chill she gives my spine. Only my spine. I like touching her face.She always falls right into my palm. It's so lascivious. And I feel like a fucking beast. I want to shred her open. Sample every part she has to offer. I will shelter her tonight. And we can both have our fill. A genuine fill. Close your eyes lovely. I am ready.

Oh, now he is gentle. Rough, gentle, rough, gentle. Gentle pain. I can never choose just one and that's why I'm here. His fingers are ridiculously soft. I am ready.

You never have me, lovely.

You have me only sometimes, sir.

I just give you death, lovely.

I just give you life, sir.

Then it's time.

1 comment:

C.T. Avis said...

Wow, I love the shifting perspective, the contrasts, the dichotomies.
