Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dear Cancer,

You came into my sons life uninvited. He is only five years old, and doesn't even know who you are. But he knows what you've done. So do I. And he doesn't understand why.
Neither do I.
I hate you.
I hate you.
You have turned our lives upside down and inside out, over and over again. You are relentless. You are cold hearted. You really know how to destroy everything in your path. But I have found a weakness with you. You don't like us fighting. Whenever we get that one step ahead of you, you kick us back ten more steps. And then you kick again and again, until we fall and don't want to fight.
I know you don't care either way. People may think that us fighting proves victory. But you don't look at it that way. You know you have us beat. And you know your survivors live for the rest of their lives with permanent, horrible effects from you, and the drugs that fight you.

What do you want from us? What do you want from my child? You have already taken a year. You have taken us from our home and our solitude. You have taken our sanity away. And it isn't us giving you control! It's you... taking it.
We live with this because we have no choice. We fight you because we can't just sit and let you do your work quicker.

If I could see you, if I could touch you... you would be in permanent agony.
You think you are smart cancer. You think because you can trick us and beat us down, you are special. You think by making my son suffer with sickness, and taking the hair from his body, makes you special. You are wrong. And I will show you who is special. Our little boy is. You may be able to take everything else we ever had, but there is one thing you can't.
Our love.
You- can't- take- our- love.

Well cancer, now you've asked for war. A war I am prepared for. On my sons behalf, I will do anything I can to destroy you. You will not like me. And the only way to my son, will be through me. Aiden may not understand the gravity of your demented sickness, but his mommy and daddy do. And we will destroy you. Whether it be literally, or mentally, you will have no hold on us.

Through your unfortunate appearance dear cancer, we know now what is real. We are full of knowledge we would have never had if it wasn't for you. We are stronger than so many in this world. And because of you, we could have a PhD in the big C. We know all about you. And you will regret spreading yourself more and more around this world. For the more you do it, the closer we will get to destroying you. I can say something about you cancer. You pick some intelligent, inspiring people to attack. That wont help you in the end.

I can't imagine life without you now. What things were like before. What they will be like later. No matter what you will never be forgotten. You are out to corrupt everyone you can, and everything in your path.

You will only make us smarter. You will only make us stronger. You will only make us better. You only make us love each other more, and hold each other closer. You are not going to get away with this. You better back down cancer, now.
At the end of your time, you will be laid out and vulnerable, dissected and dead.
You... Cancer...
You are a life-affirming treatise on the eternity of love.


C.T. Avis said...

Wow. That last line... My heart goes out to you.

A.G. Devitt said...

It's been a year already...
I'm sorry, red.
this is powerful.
you know it.

Unknown said...

I am so proud of'll never really know how much.