Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Bloody Snow

"What the hell are you doing?" Cal looked at Beth who was sitting in the cold with blood drops around her in the snow. She wouldn't move.

"Beth... what are you doing? We have to take care of this."

"Mittens?" She said stoically, holding up the empty red pair to him.

"Why are you bleeding? What's going on? It's been three days. We can't wait any longer." Beth turned away and tucked the mittens into her bag. She moved her hair from her face with difficulty because of her mittens, and the cold. She wanted so bad for Cal to hold her, but he wasn't the type. Though he would probably do it with his eyes. He spoke with his eyes a lot.

"You need to do this with me, you asked for my help. My help is to teach you."

"Teach me? I'm lost in a land far away Cal. I'm finding it hard to care about anything these days. In fact, the only thing I do care about is the fact that I can't care about anything." She looked at him to see what his eyes said... nothing.

"You cared when we beat that dirt bag. You had plenty of emotion." He looked at her now with more talkative eyes. She felt a little pressure come off of her chest when she noticed.

"That dirt bag should have been killed. By my own hands." She looked down angrily.

"We don't kill people." His arms lay by his sides and his breathing was even. She stared at the cloud that came every time he exhaled.

"I'm getting too cold." She said while searching for a cigarette in her bag. One left. She ripped her mittens off and touched the filter to her lips, lit it, and inhaled deeply. She hated smoking in front of him, and all together. Three days ago, one more blow and the dirt bag would have died. Just one more; that Cal wouldn't let Beth throw. "Do you like my snowman Cal?" She looked at the snowman realizing he was missing a nose and mouth. "Only I could manage to forget the face."

Cal laughed one 'heh' and held his hand out to her. Beth threw her cigarette and blew out her last drag. She grabbed her bag and grabbed his hand forcing the energy to stand up. He helped her.

"Get your hat and scarf." He said nodding to the snowman. She looked at the sparkling balls of snow..."I'm fine." she said shrugging. "You know this is my space Cal? My solitude. How did you find me here?"

His eyes were somber. "I heard you crying."

"How could you have known where I was though?" She looked at him flustered.

"We are friends... Beth. We are..." he had a weird look to his face, "we are friends."

She knew she wasn't going to get an answer from him, but it didn't bother her. Cal was an intelligent man. Her terrible esteem made her wonder sometimes why he was in her life. But she would never question him, for she regarded him as... she regarded him very highly.

"How's your cut?" He looked at her concerned. She felt her body shiver, and not from the cold, but from his voice.

She touched it with her two fingers feeling the thick dried up layer of liquid. "I'll survive." She replied.

"Good." He said with a slight smile. "Are you ready?"

She shook her head and they trailed through the snow side by side. She still had no answers. But she was on a mission to find them.

1 comment:

C.T. Avis said...

I really like this and I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner. The way you carry the motif of his eyes speaking throughout it works well without seeming forced. I'm interested in knowing more.