Friday, October 3, 2008

Fat Commercialism

You're kidding right? You turn on your computer after whatever kind of long day you've had to check your email, or study, or whatever it may be. And when you sign in to get your email the headline at the top of the screen reads blatantly in huge black and white font:

Why is My Stomach Fat?

Well, first of all, shut up. No one wants to hear or read that. Secondly, if my stomach is fat, it's because I don't exercise, I'm unhealthy, and I eat like a pig. So I don't really need to be asked that. And thirdly, my stomach isn't fat, so why must those of us that are healthy be subjected to such questions?
I have the unfortunate thought that many more people than I'd hope, fall into such commercialism.

On another note...

Heather: "It's a semicolon. A semicolon. It's an A+, you said so yourself. It's art." She nods her head to the left and bites her lip, trying to be respectful. Maybe that semicolon will get semicolon cancer and die.

Anonymous: "Art has rules too Heather, everything has standards. Maybe in unconventional ways even, but standards still, that they must go by."

Heather: "Are you talking man made standards, or natural standards? I get the feeling it's the first. There are no fucking rules." And she walks away quietly.

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